Programs and Curriculum

Classes AVailable

Two Day Preschool: for 3 and 4 year olds (must be 3 by August 1st)

   Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am-11:30am

Three Day Pre-Kindergarten: for 4 and 5 year olds (must be 4 by August 1st)

   Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:30am-11:30am

Five Day Afternoon Pre-Kindergarten: for 4 and 5 year olds (must be 5 by January 1st OR 4 by August 1st with one year of preschool experience)

Monday through Friday 12:15 pm - 3:15 pm


We want the children to become enthusiastic learners. We want them to be independent, self confident, and inquisitive. The classroom is set up with various interest areas that offer multiple opportunities for children to explore, discover and learn.

Our daily schedule includes activities in:

  • Literacy - Zoo-phonics

  • Science and Nature

  • Health and Nutrition

  • Art

  • Large muscle and fine motor

  • Hand eye coordination

  • Creativity

  • Socialization

  • Cognitive (math, reading readiness, colors and shapes)


Our two day program is often a child’s very first introduction to a structured school environment.

It emphasizes social/emotional development experiences in music, math, literacy, self help skills, science, nature and art.      

Three day PROGRAM

In preparation for Kindergarten, the three-day program builds on the two day curriculum, by developing

  • mathematical reasoning,

  • reading readiness skills,

  • critical thinking skills,

  • problem solving techniques, and

  • language growth.


Our five day afternoon program is an extension of the three day program with two added days of individualized enrichment activities. Sandpiper has developed this program by looking at kindergarten readiness skill sets provided by area kindergartens. In addition to using our Zoo-phonics literacy program more extensively, the five day program allows the child to be in a structured school environment every day. It prepares children to enter full day kindergarten the following year, having grown emotionally, socially, and educationally.